Masterclass From Idea to the Screen at FILMARBEIDERE I NORD-NORGE

Taskovski Film Training #DocsConnect is invited by FILMARBEIDERE I NORD-NORGE to offer Masterclass FROM IDEA TO THE SCREEN during industry meeting on Sommarøy from 27 to 29th April 2022.

There will be many Swedish colleagues, and in addition representatives of Filmpool Nord Film i Västerbotten and Filmfond Nord

New projects in development will be presented from the region and northern Sweden, with an initiative for better distribution of northern Norwegian films. Irena Taskovski will give an inspiring lecture, and is also ready to discuss the projects presented, both documentary and fiction.

Svein Aronsen and Leikny Lunde Marthinsen from Altibox will also be present to talk about the focus on Norwegian content, and for the first time at a northern Norwegian industry meeting the public will be introduced to a game in development, Mikkel Sara from Miksapix will present ” Raanaa – The Shaman Girl

Maria Bock , actress and director, will guide everyone through the program.

Find more info on the official Nordnorsk Filmsenter site!