About Kim Longinotto:
Kim Longinotto is a British documentary film maker, well known for making films that highlight the plight of female victims of oppression or discrimination. Longinotto has made more than 20 films, usually featuring inspiring women and girls at their core. Her subjects have included female genital mutilation in Kenya (The Day I Will Never Forget), women standing up to rapists in India (Pink Saris), and the story of Salma an Indian Muslim woman who smuggled poetry out to the world while locked up by her family for decades
Longinotto is an observational filmmaker. Observational cinema, also known as direct cinema, free cinema or cinema verite, usually excludes certain documentary techniques such as advanced planning, scripting, staging, narration, lighting, re-enactment and interviewing. Longinotto’s unobtrusiveness, which is an important part of observational documentary, gives the women on camera a certain voice and presence that might not have emerged with another documentary genre.
Throughout her career Kim Longinotto was recognized for her delicate and compassionate treatment of social injustice topics for which she received multiple awards at prestigious film festivals from Festival de Cannes , Sundance Film Festival International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) to CPH:DOX including the BAFTA award for best TV documentary “Divorce Iranian Style” in 2000.